1. [Battle et al. 1996]
    References for N2O changes for the last centuries.
    Climate models, anthropogenic warming, N2O, firn.

  2. [Brown and Goodison 1996]
    Last century snow cover seasonal variability over Canada.
    Snow cover

  3. [Busuioc and von Storch 1996]
    Relationship between large scale circulation and precipitation changes in Romania 1900-1980. Use CCA to detect two relevant patterns of coupling. They use the Pettitt statistic on these patterns. Simultaneous change points are found in trends for large scale circulation and preccipitation which supports these variantions instead of inhomogeneities in time series of precipitation.
    Downscaling, cca, homogeneization, slp, precip.

  4. [Easterling et al. 1996]
    Two homogeneization methods, one based on metadata and another one not

  5. [Etheridge et al. 1996]
    CO2 meassurements from Low Dome, Antartica. They propose a detailed evolution of CO2 levels since 1000 AD using three ice cores from Law Dome. Measurement of air from the firn ocnfirms the link of the ice core air with the atmosphere, permitting accurate allowances for the effects of diffusion on the composition oand age of the ice core air. A substantial overlap of the results from the three independently dated, ice cores with the modern atmospheric record is observed. This, and other tests, confirm that the CO2 mixing ratio of the ice core air is representative off the atmosphere to within 1.2 ppm.
    Paleoclimate, forcing, c02, Antartica

  6. [Fromentin and Planque 1996]
    Find relationship between the NAO and two zooplanckton spcecies: C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus. The relation is stablished through sst and west wind stress (wws) component. C. finmarchicus is a cold watter species that flowrishes during negative NAO in the Nord Sea and the abundance is less in the area for positive NAO. C. helgolandicus is a warm water species that fowrishes in positive NAO phases in the Nord Sea for reasons of competence and warm water. The effect of wws is encreasing mixing and delaying the flowrishing.
    NAO, ecology.

  7. [Heyen et al. 1996]
    Downscaling of slp to sea level anomalies. NAO plays a dominant role through river runnoff. Downscaling of scenario simulations of ECHAM model
    Downscaling, CCA, NAO, sea level anomalies, slp.

  8. [J. et al. 1995]
    Ref to IPCC 1996
    Climate change et al.

  9. [Kaas et al. 1996]
    ABSTRACT: Monthly means of sea level air pressure (SLP) and sea surface temperature (SSTJ fields are used as predictors to reconstruct an approximate climatology of wind and cyclonic activity, valid for 10 stations, in winter over the northern North Atlantic region throughout the 20th century. The recon- structed climatology is based on statistical relationships between these predictors and local observa- tions at 10 synoptic stations during the period 1961 to 1987 The statistical relationships are identified by canonical correlation analysis combined with a cross validation technique. We apply double cross validation to independently verify the statistical model. An interpretati. on of the relationship between atmospheric circulation patterns and anomalies in the wind climatology and cyclonic activity is given. The historical climatology (1903 to 1987) for each observing station is obtained from the observed large- scale conditions by using the statistical relationships. It is found that within the present century both the monthly mean windiness and cyclonic activity show variations on the decadal time scale but no significant overall trends. This is confirmed for 2 of the stations for wh  ch directly observed pressure data were available since the beginning of the century.
    Downscaling, wind, CCA

  10. [Kalnay 1996]
    The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis project

  11. [Lanzante 1996]
    Good descripticon of robust, resistant and non-parametric techniques. Ilustrates application and advantages using radiosonde station data and in a few cases using some sintetic data.
    Quality control, homogeneization, robust, resitant, resistance, non-parametric.

  12. [Garrido et al. 1996]
    Estudio de homogeneidad de series largas de precipitacion en la Peninsula Iberica.
    Referenciado en [Serrano et al. 1999] Quality control, homogeneization.

  13. [Hurrell 1996]
    Studies effects of SOI and NAO in regional temperature extratropical trends. All regional trends can be related to those in the large scale patterns. Therefore if trends are due to climate change this should be drivent by changes in frequency of patterns.
    NAO, Soi, trends, hemispheric trends. ...

  14. [de Noblet et al. 1996]
    Abstract. We have conducted four numerical experi-ments with an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) to investigate the sensitivity of Asian and African monsoons to small changes (-5 to +12 per cent), with respect to present-day, in incoming solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere. We show that, during the mid-Holocene (6 kBP where kBP means thousands of years before present-day) and the last interglacial (126 kBP), the Northern Hemisphere seasonal contrast was increased, with warmer summers and colder win-ters. At the time of glacial inception (115 kBP) howev-er, summers were cooler and winters milder. As a con-sequence, Asia and tropical North Africa experienced stronger (weaker) summer monsoons 6 and 126 kBP (115 kBP), in agreement with previous numerical stud-ies. This present study shows that summer warming/ cooling of Eurasia and North Africa induced a shift of the main low-level convergence cell along a northwest/ southeast transect. When land was warmer (during the summer months 6 and 126 kBP), the monsoon winds converged further inland bringing more moisture into northern India, western China and the southern Sa-hara. The southern tips of India, Indochina and south-eastern China, as well as equatorial North Africa be-came drier. When land was cooler (during the summer 115 kBP), the main convergence zone was located over the west Pacific and the wet (dry) areas were those that were dry (wet) 6 and 126 kBP. The location and inten-sity of the simulated precipitation maxima were there-fore very sensitive to changes in insolation. However the total amount of monsoon rain in Asia as well as in Africa remained remarkably stable through the time periods studied. These simulated migrations of convec-tive activities were accompanied by changes in the na-ture of precipitation events: increased monsoon rains in these experiments were always associated with more high precipitation events (Á5 mm day P1 ), and fewer light showers (1 mm day P1 ). Rainy days with rates between 1 and 5 mm day P1 were almost unchanged.
    Holocene, last interglacial, 126, 115, 6 KBP, Monsoon ...

  15. [Pollack et al. 1996]
    Ensembles of borehole logs: average of inversions and simultaneous inversion

  16. [Roeckner et al. 1996]
    Reference for the ECHAM4 model component

  17. [Shen et al. 1996]
    Comparison of borehole inversion FSI and SVD. Without noise they are similar, otherwise the effectiveness of SVD becomes signal dependent. SVD is less effective at recovering the steady state when the mean of the transient devidates significantly from the prior steady state temperature.
    Borehole temperature reconstructions, inversion methods

  18. [Valero et al. 1996b]
    Analysis of annual wave of precipitation in 16 precipitation stations over the Iberian Peninsula. Uses Complex demodulation.
    Complex demodulation. Precipitation. NAO

  19. [Valero et al. 1996a]
    Extension of a windrun time series through the use of the Durbin-Watson method.
    Iberian Penunsula, windrun, quality, lenghthening.